SleepTech : Sleep is the best medicine!

SleepTech :
Sleep is the best medicine!

SleepTech, also known as Polysomnographic Technology, includes the process of monitoring,
recording and analyzing data during a person’s sleep and measures wakefulness.

Snoring / Sleep Apnea :
Breathing disorder that obstructs oxygen during sleep

Sleep disorders are indeed on the rise globally and in
particular, many people suffer from sleep apnea, typically
1 in every 6 adults suffering from it.
Sleep disorders are indeed on the rise globally and in particular, many people suffer from sleep apnea, typically 1 in every 6 adults suffering from it.

Risks associated with Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is indeed a sleep disorder characterized by frequent awakenings and
reduced blood oxygen levels due to disruptions in airflow during sleep.
This blockage of airflow hampers the inflow of oxygen, triggering activation of
the sympathetic nervous system, ultimately leading to adverse effects on the body.
In the past, it was often overlooked as a simple snoring-related sleeping habit.
However, extensive research has established strong associations between sleep apnea
and serious health conditions.
Sleep apnea is indeed a sleep disorder characterized by frequent awakenings and reduced blood oxygen levels due to disruptions in airflow during sleep.
This blockage of airflow hampers the inflow of oxygen, triggering activation of the sympathetic nervous system, ultimately leading to adverse effects on the body.
In the past, it was often overlooked as a simple snoring-related sleeping habit.
However, extensive research has established strong associations between sleep apnea and serious health conditions.

Complex and demanding polysomnography(PSG)

To diagnose sleep apnea, individuals undergo a comprehensive multi-level sleep examination at a
hospital. Treatment is then tailored according to the diagnostic findings and a physician's
This extensive evaluation, known as a polydimensional sleep test, is a standardized procedure
typically conducted during a two-day hospital visit. It examines approximately 20 aspects, including
breathing, snoring, and brain activity.
After diagnosis, treatment options are categorized into surgical and non-surgical approaches.
A common non-surgical method involves the use of positive pressure devices to dilate the airway,
facilitating improved airflow during sleep.
To diagnose sleep apnea, individuals undergo a comprehensive multi-level sleep examination at a hospital. Treatment is then tailored according to the diagnostic findings and a physician's assessment.
This extensive evaluation, known as a polydimensional sleep test, is a standardized procedure typically conducted during a two-day hospital visit. It examines approximately 20 aspects, including breathing, snoring, and brain activity.
After diagnosis, treatment options are categorized into surgical and non-surgical approaches.
A common non-surgical method involves the use of positive pressure devices to dilate the airway, facilitating improved airflow during sleep.


Typical treatment : Continuous Positive Airway Pressure(CPAP)

Headquarter |  401-3, Bldg. 106, 50, UNIST-gil, Ulju-gun, Ulsan, Republic of Korea
R&D Center |  4F, 7-21, Gangnam-daero 27-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
TEL   +82 2-3474-1600

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